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NEW: Lunar Firmware 2.6.003

It’s time for a fresh update on our Lunar! Since our last update, we’ve received numerous pieces of feedback. We’ve incorporated the most popular requests into this firmware update.

You can find the Lunar Updater in the App Store and Google Play Store. To access the newest firmware, 2.6.003, go to your app, Select Firmware, and tap "Update firmware list". The update process takes a few minutes.

We recommend updating your Lunar when you have about 20 minutes, so you can learn and adjust the settings as needed.




1. Battery Saving

acaia lunar firmware update battery saving

“bAttSAvE” in the Settings menu

Save ~20% of your battery by dimming the display after some time. It’ll return to its original brightness when the scale senses objects on it.

Options: 30 sec, 90 sec (default), 180 sec, OFF


2. Pre-Infusion Time out Now Adjustable

acaia lunar firmware update pre infusion

“PrE_ inFu” in the Settings menu

Determines when the scale times out, most useful for long pre-infusion times. On the triangle mode, this resolves the timeout that sometimes happens for slow pre-infusion times.

Options: 10 sec, 30 sec, 60 sec (default), 120 sec


3. Auto-Start Sensitivity

acaia lunar firmware update autostart sensitivity

“SEnSE” in the Settings menu

Minimum weight is decreased for more sensitivity. Great for slower espresso shots on the drip icon modes. Stability depends on environmental noise. The previous firmware started at ~0.6 g.

Options: 0.1 g, 0.2 g, OFF (default)


4. New Mode: Auto-Tare Only

acaia lunar firmware update autotare

Mode 6 added: auto-tares (square icon only). Put the cup on the scale and auto-tare will be performed. Pull shot as usual. Remove cup, the beverage weight is displayed, and the weight resets after 30 sec.

Options: On (default), OFF

  1. To turn Mode 6 off, enter the settings menu (see point 6)
  2. Short press T until you see node_6
  3. Long press T to enter the menu Short press T to change to OFF
  4. Long press T to exit node_6 or short press power to exit the settings


5. Auto-Reset

acaia lunar firmware update autoreset

“Auto_rES” in the Settings menu

After a cup is removed, the timer will automatically reset. This gives you options on how long to wait for the reset.

Options: OFF, 10 sec, 30 sec (default)


6. Settings Menu Access Changed to Be Easier

In the previous firmware, it took a few steps to enter the Settings menu. We’ve made it a little easier to access it.

  1. With scale powered off, press & hold the power button
  2. Wait until you see “SET”
  3. Release power button
  4. Tap T button to enter the settings menu
  5. Long press T to reach the passcode and enter as directed by our help team


7. Timer Stop Detection Improved

Detection mechanism for recognizing a drip has been improved. It is now more sensitive to slow drips and faster at detecting when the flow has stopped.


8. Low Battery Indication Improved

Low battery will display when it’s below 15% instead of at 5%.


How to Update

Access the written instructions here or watch the video below.


If you have issues updating or run into bugs with any parts of the firmware, please email our support team at support@acaia.co.