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USCC On-Site Competitor Support

We’re proud to be exclusive scale sponsors at the US Coffee Championship Brew Bars in Knoxville, Austin, and Seattle. We will not be selling any scales or working a booth in Knoxville or Austin.

Like we have for previous events, we’ll be attending in-person and be offering the following:

  • Scale calibration for any scale that has a calibration mode. We can do point calibration (500 g) or linear calibration (usually not advised, but we will let you know if you don’t need it)
  • Scale adjustments. You may find that the table is less steady than you anticipated or that you need a less sensitive zero point. You can learn how to adjust them with our Acaia University blog posts or we can walk you through it.
  • Scale substitute. If you are using one of our scales and for whatever reason, you need a replacement really quickly, we’ll be carrying a few scales around to help you out.

To set up a scale calibration time, you can reach us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @acaiacoffee or email hello at acaia.co.