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Community is important for our team at Acaia. Every year, as part of our community support, we sponsor a range of local & international industry events and barista competitors.

We offer barista sponsorships to support and encourage a more diverse lineup of competitors. There are many obstacles for competing baristas on both the national and international levels. We hope the program will help them on their journey and achieve their goals on a more equal world stage. Nelson Phu competed and won the Canadian National Barista Championships this year.

Please introduce yourself.

Hey there! I'm Nelson Phu, proudly representing Canada at the 2024 World Barista Championship. I've been a part of the specialty coffee world for nine years. I started as a barista, and now I'm part of the marketing and e-commerce team at Rosso Coffee Roasters.

Nelson holding a cup of coffee and smiling

Why did you decide to enter coffee competitions?

When I first heard about coffee competitions, I didn't think much of it. How hard could it be? But then curiosity got the best of me. I remember thinking, "Everyone HAS to be brewing incredible coffee, but what makes it outstanding?"
How was your experience during the competition? Did you have a theme to your routine? How did you build it?

To sum up my experience this year with one word, it would have to be fulfilling. My routine was about our coffee community, how it is built and evolved, and how I've experienced the changes in our industry. With some reflection over the years, I began to piece together my favorite experiences as a barista and how that has affected the coffee community.
Nelson during his performance at the Canadian Barista Championships

What are your thoughts after competing? Will you compete again, and will it be in the same competition?
This year's competition was fierce, with many high scores in the first round. Seeing everyone's passion and dedication on that global stage is just inspiring, you know? I'm ready to go again!

How did you use your sponsored Acaia products?

This year, the sponsored Acaia products proved invaluable, particularly with the adjustment in portafilter spout-to-tray distance from 12 cm to 8 cm. The compact design of the Lunar scales helped a lot with getting everything to fit. Every centimeter counts!

 Nelson dialing in his espresso shots on silver Lunar scales

What's coming up next in your journey with coffee?

Apart from gearing up for the next competition, I'm eager to share my experiences with others. Coffee competitions have been an excellent way to learn and grow; I want to pass that on. It's all about spreading the love for coffee and fostering that sense of community.

Thank you for sharing your competition experience with the Acaia coffee community, Nelson.

Photo credit to World Coffee Events and Nelson Phu.