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List of acaia app compatible android devices

acaia Coffee Scale App for Android has been in development for a long time. There are several issues in the android phone at this moment that cannot allow us to support all the phones on the market. It is the problem inherit in the android platform. We spend a lot of time trying to find solutions or work around of these known issues. There are still some outstanding ‘bugs’ that we cannot solve yet, therefore we created this page for you to see what currently available phones are supported by our APP.

Several Android devices are supported at this time. Supported Android devices have:

  1. A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio, present in some devices as part of Bluetooth 4.0.
  2. A working BLE API that allows third-party app code to access BLE. This is present in some Android 4.3+ devices.


  • Nexus 5
  • Nexus 7
  • HTC One
  • Samsung Galaxy Note III
  • Samsung Galaxy Note II (may be unstable)

Hardware compatible, haven’t ran a full test:

  • LG G2
  • Samsung Galaxy S4
  • Samsung Galaxy S III (may be unstable)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
  • Motorola Moto X
  • Motorola Moto G
  • Motorola Droid RAZR M, RAZR HD, RAZR Maxx HD (OS v4.1.2 with Nov 2013 firmware update)
  • Motorola Ultra, Maxx, Mini (OS v4.4+ only)
  • Sony Xperia Z, Z1, Z1S, ZL, ZR, Z Ultra, Z1 Compact, Tablet Z (OS v4.3+ only)