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App updates for Brewmaster and Acaia Coffee

The iOS and Android Acaia Coffee apps, plus the iOS Brewmaster app, have a new update today. 

New Remote Scale options

Two new options have been added to the Settings menu

A background image can be set from any photo in your photo library.

Voice on or off (default off) means the app will announce the current weight as soon as it has changed and been stable for 1-1.5 second. English is set as the default language, but if the region is supported for TTS, that language will be spoken instead.


Will you have Brewmaster for Android?
Yes, we will. You can sign up to be notified of its beta release here: http://bit.ly/acaiabeta.

Can you optimize the apps for iPhone Plus models?
Yes, this is currently underway and has an ETA of January 2017.