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App Updates: Brewmaster Android & iOS

Today, we launched Brewmaster on the Android platform and updated Brewmaster on iOS for a cleaner look.

Designed as a no-frills data logging app, Brewmaster helps you keep track of your past brews and chart a live progression of your pour.

Some of the new features include:

acaia coffee scale brewmaster notes

Added Remember Notes toggle in Settings menu: When you’re brewing the same coffee over and over, use this so the previous coffee brew inputs will be copied over for your new brew.

acaia coffee scale brewmaster sette

Introduction of the Baratza Sette 270W on the Remote Scale screen. Additional integrations will be introduced in future updates.

There were also a lot of behind-the-scenes work for making our apps run smoother.


Known Bugs

  • There is currently a known bug where you need to connect your scale first before connecting your grinder.
  • iOS Brewmaster: Issues for logging into the app with your Twitter account. The authentications had changed and we are working on a fix. We recommend signing up for an account via email.